Monday, November 20, 2006

Bidding the Autumn Adieu...

Yesterday was our annual Family Raking Day. Having been blessed with an enormous 100 year-old bigleaf maple in our backyard (actually, one of the features that attracted us to the house), and having dealt with the massive load of leaves in different ways each year, we have decided what works best for us is to have FOUR good quality rakes on hand, gloves and a wheelbarrow, let ALL the leaves fall, and attack them on one day. Yesterday afternoon was it. About 3 hours of work with all 4 of us out there. It was the perfect weather - it had stopped raining in the morning, and was cool, but not cold, even with our gloves wet from the leaves. Here was Gipper a few days ago, gazing out across the sea of yellow. I suspect he doesn't have the best eyesight, so the leaves, drifting down, were very mesmerizing to him.


laura capello said...

we raked some more this weekend too. but instead of bagging the leaves, we use a tarp to transport them to the garden beds.

we have a couple of holding oaks, which slowly loses it's leaves all fall and winter, with the last few not releasing until the new buds push them out.

Anonymous said...

We raked yesterday too! Same idea, let 'em all fall and then get it done in one shot. More or less!

Hey, I am really happy that you are posting more frequently again! I missed your cheerful presence.

Anastasia said...

Gipper is adorable!!
Its almost summer here but i too am raking leaves from my purple Jacarandah tree - its like purple rain!

Anonymous said...

Paula - I enjoy reading your blog. It is a nice way to hear what you all are doing!!

Kim Carney said...

That is a wonderful family activity ;)