Monday, August 17, 2009

Outside and In

More construction is underway in the front yard. Hubby is digging a trench in order to inlay the cement chunks we have accumulated into a pathway. As you can see, the little pond is finished and the fishes are doing well and growing. They have survived a few exploratory attacks by the local raccoon gang - the pond advice we received was sound! I've been keeping my worker company, weeding the flower bed while he digs.

Indoors, I have been quilting. I finished a twin-sized quilt which I began last year. It took me a bit because I embroidered 12 of the blocks. It is a memory quilt, with blocks made from our boys' outgrown pajamas, blankies, our kitchen curtains, and lots of family odds and ends. By request I kept it "unisex" with not too much girly pink stuff. I backed it with blue flannel, and I tied it with embroidery floss at the corners and middles of each square side. The binding is pieced out of the extra 2" squares I cut.

The embroidery is kind of random. Images I liked online, drawings I made up myself. The sunflower is from a marker drawing that I did a few years ago.


Sushi Mama said...

Wow, that looks like quite the garden project! And the quilt is beautiful, of course. :)

Anonymous said...

It is beautiful. I hope you signed it. Someday it will be a family keepsake and you should have your name on it somewhere and the date. Love you, Mom

Nancy Bea Miller said...

You're amazing!

ana @ iMadeItSo said...

oh, this is fantastic. the original embroidery really adds another creative dimension to what is already a work of art. i followed you here from apron thrift girl to look at your finds, but found myself wandering through your old sewing and yarn craft posts instead :P thanks for sharing some interesting projects.

~ ana