Sunday, January 31, 2010

January Closeout

Well, I don't have any stupendous accomplishments to report for January, but lots of activities are in process, brewing and steaming and gurgling away. In the garden, we built 2 new frames for new beds. One will house my Christmas gift blueberry bush which arrives from Raintree Nursery next month and the transplanted strawberry bed. The other will contain ten purchased-but-yet-to-be-planted purple asparagus crowns and various annual veggies.

Major compost production is underway, with 50-100 lbs of organic veggie "garbage" coming in each week from a local produce section (man, I really need to get out there and turn it again today - I hope the weather cooperates!).

In the kitchen, radish sprouts grow on the windowsill and both dairy and non-dairy yogurt is cultured and consumed on a constant basis.

If you can't find me look in the living room, where I'll be sitting gazing out the picture window, through the rain, at the front garden with a dog-earred seed catalog clutched in my hand...

January Harvest:
12 oz spicy sprouts, value $4.77

1 comment:

Apron Thrift Girl said...

Can I share how envious I am of your garden? I've only been in a rental since August and already my fingers are itching to be in the dirt. We are in a rental and may move shortly so I can't even really container garden. But I adore living vicariously through others. Your garden looks just beautiful.