Monday, June 21, 2010

Slow but Steady

Finally, a day with enough sunlight to get some decent pictures! Today is the first day of summer, and the last day of school here in WA. We continue to have cool and rainy weather, and I'm not sure how my warm season veggies are going to turn out this year. Here are the sugar snap peas, now about 5 feet tall, happy in the cool weather and putting out lots of flowers now. They are NOT having to share the trellis with the pole beans, which have fallen to the massive happy slug population.

This is my first year trying potatoes, and they seem to be doing terrific, as far as I can see above the soil. The leaves and stems are enormous and healthy, and flowers are appearing. I've learned what a BIG plant they are this year and will have to plan my veggie arranging better next year - they are shading out some others.

I am trying 2 varieties of eggplant: Millionaire and Fairy Tale. The Millionaire was the larger of the starts, and it has grown a few buds, despite the cool weather. Hang in there, gal! The 3 melons that I planted have not done as well. Two are totally dead and gone, one struggles on...

The strawberries are looking fab this year, and the fruits are enlarging. The variety is Puget Summer. I am pinching off the runners to keep the plants' energy into growing and not reproducing. I think next year I'll fill this bed with more strawberries, perhaps of a earlier variety, since we are seeing berries for sale already at our farmers' market.

I am keeping track of all of my harvest this year. You can see it in the side bar on the left.


Inspector Clouseau said...

Wow. Really great shots. Plus, my 91 year old Father needs to pay more attention to his diet including the addition of more fresh vegetables. Sure look appetizing from your pictures.

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