Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Snow Days!

We're enjoying rare snow here, and I see this morning that the school district has declared an unheard-of second snow day in a row! Yesterday was a homeschool day, so it didn't affect our schedule, but today we'll be missing our whole day of activities (we homeschool Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and go to the homeschool center Tuesdays and Thursdays). Maybe we'll do a little catch-up homeschool this morning, but I want to give the boys time to enjoy the snow! I'd like a little extra time to Christmas shop (online) and draw. I have a good idea for Illustration Friday, "Invention."

P.S. Good news! The Veggie Wash experiment (see below) worked!! My son and I have had NONE of the allergic symptoms that we have suffered every year when the tree goes up! The Christmas tree cutting tradition can live on!!


Kim Carney said...

And now an unheard-of Third day ;) I am now thinking of sending my son to YOUR house for home schooling session ;) I still have no idea for invention.

laura capello said...

yay! glad your not having a reaction to your tree.

i hopin' for a snow day tomorrow. and i told aaron to take a vacation day. sounds lovely, doesn't it?