Thursday, April 12, 2007

A Love-Hate Relationship

In our backyard is a big-leaf maple tree. Just one. But it's big. It's over 12 feet around its trunk. The arborist estimates that it is 75 to 100 years old.
It is beautiful and grand.
In the summer, its canopy is a spectacular green umbrella over our yard, shading the house and patio and keeping us cool.
In the fall, the yellow leaves rain down - some of them bigger than a platter. We wait until every last leaf falls and the yellow sea is almost up to our knees, and then we have a raging all-day siege and rake the yard clean. It's hard work, but fun.
In the winter, the limbs make a dark skeleton against the sky, striking when the occasional snow falls, waving slowly in the winter wind storms.
But in the spring.... Grrrr... The branches break out in pustulant chartreuse clusters, raining down yellow pollen all over the roof, the cars, and my sinuses.
Sorry, lovely tree, but I hate you for now.

1 comment:

Ali said...

Ah the yellow curse! Hate pollen too.