Monday, September 11, 2006

School Days, School Days...

Well, we've made it through our first week back at homeschooling! It has gone pretty smoothly, no tears have been shed (by students OR teacher)! So far we have been quite industrious with our home studies. I am teaching Bible, language arts, American history, art, and, just for the younger son, math and science. The boys take martial arts, piano/guitar lessons, and French at the local homeschool resource center (part of the public school system). My older son is taking Algebra 2 online, microbiology, and Honors French (his 6th year) at the high school. So we are hybrid homeschoolers. This works out well - half our time at home, and half out and about. I am very blessed to have the opportunity and resources to have spent the last 6+ years teaching my kids, and to have such a big part in "training them up." Proverbs 22:6

I drew this last spring, with black Micron pen, in my sketchbook. Notice the 12 year old sitting at his desk, industriously, with an indulgent look towards his 9 year old brother, who is NOT sitting down, NOR facing the desk, and MUST have a snack nearby. This is my life...


Jane said...

Your art is amazing!!! I write childrens fiction but can't draw at all...we should hook up! ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love to hear about home schooling! (I'm interested in learning methods anyway, and there's a sort of 'what will I do when I have children' aspect as well.) Do you tend to take the same summer break as the public schoolers? I always wonder how constructive having a three-month gap in learning is, now that there's no field to soew/plow/harvest.

Anonymous said...

Er, sow.

Dawn said...

I love to hear about other homeschoolers who school at home part time and at centers!! We do the same thing and it's great!! Next year my oldest will be taking classes at our local College!!