Saturday, October 07, 2006

Enjoying Beautiful Autumn

Having a beautiful Northwest Saturday here; lots of good things to enjoy! This morning I got together with local blog pal, Kim, for the first time and we had lattes at a cute new place downtown and gabbed away for hours. It's great to put a living, breathing face with a blog! Our sons attend the same school and we have a lot in common. Then my younger son and I went on a movie date together and then took Gipper for a walk in the cool afternoon sunshine. What a nice day! I'm really digging my red door with the Indian corn decoration this fall. Plus, this week's Illustration Friday topic "Trouble" coincides with my first homework assignment for my children's illustration class, so I can "kill two birds with one stone!" Gotta practice drawing rabbits and foxes.


Kim Carney said...

Your red door is wonderful!

That was so much fun to see you IN PERSON! Thank you so much ;)

Anonymous said...

Love your door - no-one ever uses ours and it's all cobwebby and unloved. Yours is inspirational!

laura capello said...

Pretty door!

And it sounds like a lovely day!