**UPDATED WITH COLOR VERSION** Poor Bandit, always in trouble with the law! A victim of racial profiling? Or of a generational curse? Anyhow, look at those eyes - he's crying out for help! Drawn with Micron black pen in my sketchbook. Colored with Prismacolor markers.
He stole the crowned jewels!! He IS adorable though. Maybe he'll get off with just probation!
Sorry I haven't visited in awhile! You've got some awesome new stuff. This little guy made me melt. And your 'might' entry is fantastic! Hope you have a great holiday!
Welcome! I am an artist, "Square Foot Gardener," and mom. Thanks for coming by, and I'd love to hear from you! Although I haven't updated the blog in a while, I'm still gardening and I leave the blog up for reference.
He stole the crowned jewels!! He IS adorable though. Maybe he'll get off with just probation!
Awwww... look at those sweet eyes! I could let him be a bandit ;)
yeah, he looks like a criminal.
Ahh, this is just great, he's beautiful, and the idea is sweet, and I wish I had his jewels, especially the tiara.
Sorry I haven't visited in awhile! You've got some awesome new stuff. This little guy made me melt. And your 'might' entry is fantastic! Hope you have a great holiday!
This is fantastic!!! awww he looks so sad...someone please help him!
too cute!
molto bello il tuo personaggio
ciao frÃ
hahah so cute and sad.
you are really good at expressing emotion in the eyes of your characters. Mom
This bandit is so adorable! Love your illo! Good job!
so weird, i love it!!
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