Sunday, March 07, 2010

Marching Toward Spring

*Trying to post again - is it me, or is blogger more difficult than it used to be?

The weather here, north of Seattle, is SO temptingly warm! I fairly itch to get planting outside, although our "last frost" date is over a month away! With day temperatures in the mid- to high-50s, and lows above freezing for the last two weeks, all of the crocus and daffodils are out, as well as the flowering trees! The pollen level is sky-high too .... hey, maybe THAT's the cause of my itch!

I just realized that in the last 12 months, I have amassed 17 different types of fruits growing in my yard-turned-farm! Quite a change from the former spruce-cedar-fir decorative "island"! Now, instead grows an Asian pear with 4 varieties (hubby's retirement from the Navy gift), a cherry with 5 varieties and an Italian prune plum (both from my men for Mother's Day last year), a rhubarb (shared by a friend), 2 types of strawberries (8 plants from one that my son bought last year, another variety shared by a friend), a blueberry bush and 3 varieties of raspberry bushes (my Christmas gift from hubby). The REALLY cool thing about this is that I paid a total of $0 for all of it!

Today we plan to get two of the veggie beds leveled off and filled. I need some help from he-man to get the asparagus area dug out a little deeper - the old trees are gone, but some of the residual roots are defying me! Praise God that I am doing raised beds and don't need to dig out them ALL! I want to get the asparagus in soon. Meanwhile, I've got my heirloom sweet Italian peppers, Siletz tomatoes ans San Marzana tomatoes started on their little card table nursery in the window, as well as some Brandywine and cherry tomatoes I traded for from my sis in law. Last year I had two plants and that was NOT enough. This year I am planning two pants each of four varieties: cherry, early slicers, late slicers, and paste tomatoes. I'm fairly sure that will be more than enough for our family of four, but there is no lack of friends to share with!

How many tomatoes do you grow? Is it enough?

Pictures are, from top, the veggie bed area, my strawberry and blueberry bed, and the new rhubarb emerging.

February totals:
6 oz. spicy sprouts, value $2.39
2010 Harvest total:
18 oz. spicy sprouts, value $7.16

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